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How to Install GlobalProtect VPN Certificate for TechVoyage Company

Installing the GlobalProtect VPN Certificate for TechVoyage is a crucial step in ensuring secure remote access to the company's network. Follow these steps to successfully install the certificate:1. Log in to the GlobalProtect VPN portal using your credentials provided by the IT department.2. Navigate to the settings or configuration section of the portal where certificate installation is managed.3. Download the GlobalProtect VPN certificate from the portal. This certificate is necessary for authenticating your device with the company's network.4. Locate the downloaded certificate file on your device.5. Double-click on the certificate file to open it. This will initiate the installation process.6. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation of the GlobalProtect VPN certificate. You may be prompted to enter your device's password to authorize the installation.7. Once the installation is successful, restart the GlobalProtect VPN client on your device.8. Log in to the VPN client using your credentials. The GlobalProtect VPN certificate will now ensure a secure connection between your device and TechVoyage's network.By following these steps, you will have successfully installed the GlobalProtect VPN certificate for TechVoyage, enabling secure and encrypted access to the company's resources from remote locations.

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